Our Standing Committees

The St. Andrew's Society of Winnipeg Board of Managers appoints several Standing Committees to manage the Society's business and recurring events. The board appoints the chair of each committee upon the president's recommendation. 

  • Finance Committee

  • Fund Raising Committee

  • Membership Committee

  • Communications Committee

  • Culture & Heritage Committee

  • Events Committee

  • Annual Dinner Committee

  • Operations Committee


Our Statutory Committees

The Society's By-laws also provide for the chairmanship, membership and purposes of Statutory Committees.

  • Advisory Committee

  • Nominating & Governance Committee

  • Executive Committee


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is directed at maintaining, enriching, and increasing membership, with the objective of fulfilling the Society's mission.

The Membership Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining an Application Process and Form consistent with the Society's recruitment policy. The committee reviews new applications for membership and, where appropriate, recommends them to the Board for acceptance at the next scheduled meeting.

The Committee also maintains a vital role in fostering an interest in members who are ill, distressed or incapacitated. A visitation program is inherent in the process. Special training and skills in visitation are integral necessities for some Committee members. The Committee shall determine that membership fees which are delinquent by the September meeting result in written or verbal reminders to the responsible members before membership cancellation in January of the following year.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is responsible for coordinating all communications for the Society. The Committee also maintains and distributes the Saltire and the Society's website, which are both used as information vehicles of the Society. The Board shall appoint the Editor (The Saltire) and the Webmaster. The Webmaster shall review, design, and modify the website subject to Board approval. The Committee shall assume responsibility for coordinating all communications and public relations activities.

Culture & Heritage Committee

This Committee’s prime objective is to preserve and promote Scottish culture for the people of Manitoba and to create awareness of the Scot’s role in the development of the Province.

 The Committee shall review all grant applications from individuals and organizations in accordance with the Society’s objectives and make recommendations to the Board for support from the Trust Fund. The Committee shall develop and implement education initiatives following Board approval. The Committee is also responsible for the preservation and secure maintenance of the Society’s archives, regalia and memorabilia. These materials shall be inventoried and made available for Society initiatives. The authority to destroy material of negligible value resides with the Committee. The Committee shall review the criteria approved by the Board and make a recommendation for the annual Lord Strathcona Award.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is a Statutory Committee consisting of the President, the Vice President, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer and the Immediate Past President. The Officers are chosen for and expected to provide responsible leadership to the Society and the Board.

 The Executive Committee is responsible to the Board of Managers for conducting all matters relevant to the Society. Between scheduled Board Meetings, the Executive Committee shall carry out the affairs of the Society. Decisions made are subject to approval at the next scheduled Board Meeting. The Executive Committee is not empowered to enter into any contracts of a fiscal nature until the Board has approved these. In practice, the Executive Committee defers most decisions until the Board of Managers considers the committee's recommendations.

The Executive Committee is expected to provide general leadership for the Society and develop policy initiatives for subsequent Board approval. Meetings and participants shall be at the chair's call and at least six meetings annually. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee shall recommend a recipient to the Board for the Citizen of the Year Award. Under extraordinary circumstances and at its sole discretion, the Executive Committee may consider and provide assistance to financially distressed Scots who have filed written applications with the Society.